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Сообщения за ноября 10, 2017


Hello everybody! Have you ever heard what the MOOCs is? It sounds like a cow coughing on a piece of grass, isn't it? 😃 Before, I also did not know about such a platform. Perhaps, I would be rather skeptical about this service, if I found out about it earlier. But, thanks to my tutor and her course at the university, I learned a lot about the usefulness of the MOOCs. Now I want to share this information with you. MOOCs are called massive because enrollment is not limited ; instead of having a cap on students based around either physical space or teaching quality (grading for a hundred students versus a potentially unlimited number is quite different), the online courses offered allow anyone to enroll for free with no limit on how many students can enroll. This changes things, including how a course can possibly be graded without the manpower to go through thousands of tests and papers by hands, or who is able to attend, since anyone anywhere with an internet connec...