Hello everybody!
Can you imagine how many services for studying foreign languages exist at the moment? I believe that there are a lot of them. And how to choose the right resource for you? I tried to look at some of them for different aspects of learning English and choose the ones that I liked. Perhaps some of them I will use in further training. Let's start!1. Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation

2. Reading and Writing
A good free resource for improving reading and writing skills. Texts for reading are divided into categories depending on their content. Also after the texts there are exercises that train both written skills and vocabulary. Materials for reading are diverse in content, so you can find the text on the topic you are interested in. Also this resource offers convenient navigation and is easy to use. You can now click on the link and start using this resource (software download required).
3. Grammar

3. Grammar


ESL TOWER is a colorful resource that offers you a lot of exercises not only for grammar, but also for vocabulary and reading. The exercises are given on various topics and in different forms (games, quizzes, crossword puzzles, etc.). The site offers convenient navigation and does not require downloading the program. Also you will find here a lot of useful and interesting if you teach English children.
4. Vocabulary

This is an example of a talking dictionary. The dictionary offers all possible meanings of the word, as well as various phrases and sentences in which it can be used. Also here you can listen to all the suggested variants of using the search word.
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